!9#: Pro Slim Gold NRR 28 Pink Noise Reduction Shooting Ear Plugs with 3.55 mm min...
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Post Date : Jan 23, 2012 02:38:31 |
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The Gold Series Advantage is the balance achieved between comfort, noise attenuation and purity of sound. No compromises. No excuses.- Medium profile cup is perfect for most firearms- Excellent choice for the avid pistol shooter or IDPA or IPSC competitor- For use on outdoor handgun ranges, comfortable all day wear- For moderate to high noise environment; better noise reduction than most foam ear plugs- The lighter weight makes this more appropriate for women in a high noise environment- Apple iPod, CD, motor sports scanner or radio compatible using a 3.5 mm mini jack. Enjoy high fidelity sound while protecting your hearing- NRR 28- Weight: 11.1 oz- Pink
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